Weak Sauce About Nothing

Salsa débil sobre nada!

Ok I Lied, another post about Politics

So honestly when I look at it how could all of the polls been so far off with Clinton and Obama, when everything else was so right on (especially on the Republican side) there are a few things going around, most of which center on the Dibold machines that were used in some of the precincts and the discrepancy between the margins on the hand counted verses machine counted balots.  It just gives me a sick feeling that something wrong is going on in this election.  Even though in the end Obama came out a head in New Hampshire, the media is ignoring it, and I just don’t think some asshole with an “Iron my Shirt” sign, and some crocodile tears could turn 14% (or more) of a state around.

Here is a good blog on some of the numbers, and how they just don’t seem right.

January 9, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

This is why I like charts and numbers.

I promise I will try and stop obsessing over this, after this post.  But if you look at the Delegate Scorecard on CNN, you will see something interesting.  I’ve talked before about the “superdelegates,” and the early lead that Clinton has on this score card has to do with superdelegates that have committed.  But here is the interesting thing.  In Iowa Obama came out on top with one more delegate than Clinton.  Then look down at New Hampshire, even though Clinton won the popular vote, because of the way the superdelegates are voting in the state, Obama is ahead by one delegate.  Because it was so close, Clinton didn’t come out ahead there either.

If the trend continues, and the swell of voters is either full on in favor of Obama, or even close to in favor of Obama he could very easly break this thing wide open.

I’ll try not to freak on politics anymore today.

January 9, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , | Leave a comment

That is some Bullshit.

Congrats to Hilary on the win in New Hampshire.  And with her “superdelegate” contingent, she does still have a decent lead on Obama, but what a lot of people are missing in this whole thing is that Obama is still a winner in New Hampshire.  “Why?” you ask.  Well, I’m glad you did ask.

In the New Hampshire primary Clinton may have won pure numbers, but where it counts, in the number of delegates received from the state.  They tied.  So while the media is pissing itself over Clinton’s “comback,” it isn’t a decisive victory, and it isn’t a huge blip on her radar either.  Sure she in 9 delegates closer to the magic number, but so is Obama, and with a huge ammount of the superdelegates still undecided.  It is a close race.

For Clinton to really have staged a “comeback” she would have had to OWN Obama, and she didn’t, she tied up with him.  I feel better now that I have said that.  So I say keep watching for the Elbow Drop!

January 9, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Watch this video.

Honestly, does anyone think this is a “real” moment. No one could be pandering more, or making herself to look more like an idiot. Sure, she is a human being with real emotions, but funny how that hasn’t come through until people say they are voting for Obama because he is a force for change, and is “real” person trying to unite a nation. In the words of the mighty Op Ivy, “Ain’t nothing wrong, with another unity song.”

January 7, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Some more good news for Obama

Looks like Obama is pulling ahead in New Hampshire now.  I say that this is just more evedince of the US waking up and seeing what is going on.  Clinton went ballistic during the debates when Edwards said she was a force for the Status Quo, and the reson she went ballistic, he was right.

Clinton is just more of the same, and that is what the country is sick of at this point.  We aren’t loooking for more of the same, we aren’t looking for someone to come in and start a war with Iran, we aren’t looking for madated health insurance that we can’t afford (like our car insurance), we are looking for peace, and we are looking for afordable health care. 

When Clinton talked about “all” the changes she has made in the past, she had two things to cite.  Is that a force of change, not really.  We want real change, not just BS little things that don’t do much for the working class. 

Keep it up New Hampshire, lets get Obama another win.

January 7, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , | Leave a comment

The Audacity of FUCK YEAH!!

As I’ve been saying for the last couple of weeks Clinton is just more of the same bullshit as Bush.  And thank God the people of Iowa saw right through that.  I’m down with Obama, especially as the first viable African American presidential canidate ever, and because he is “endorsed” by Kusinich.  My hope is that when Obama gets the nod from the democratic party that he will tap Kusinich or Richardson for VP (not likely it would probably be Edwards, Clinton in my opinion is unelectable). 

Anyways back on track, the best part of this is that Clinton came in a solid third place, only one point behind Edwards, but a good 6 behind Obama.  That means that other people are ssing through her bullshit too.  Her blatant poll following is what makes her the most disengenuous presidential canadate that I have seen in my life time and that is saying a lot. 

So with the Barak Obama win in Iowa what is next.  Probably a hard race in New Hampshire.  Clinton has a decent lead in the New Hampshire polls, but she had that in Iowa too, until about a week ago.  Does Obama have the time to gain the lead and win NH too?  At this point who knows, but I’m hoping he does.  What sucks is it is one of those things that I feel totally powerless over, and wish I could help him with (hence this post).

 Wake up New Hampshire!  Look through the smile and see that Clinton is more of the same, and not the right answer for our country, it’s time for real change!

January 4, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Iowa Coming Down

So the caucus is about to start, in just a few hours the real nitty gritty of the 2008 election season will be under way.  I have always been really into politics, but for some reason this election season has me really excited.  It isn’t just how I feel about the issues, or what I think about the canidates, it is the potential for this to really change my life.

My wife and I decided that if Hilary Clinton wins, we move to Canada.  Not because she is a woman, not because her husband was dumb, but because it will be more of the same.  Clinton will change nothing if she is elected, other than the face that we have to look at.  And I’m not living thorough another 8 years of that.

So Iowa is the first look at what my future holds, and that excites me.

January 3, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , | Leave a comment

Obama and Drug use.

 Obama and Oprah

So someone in the Clinton campaign talked about how Obama’s drug use could effect his electability.  I just really doubt the truth in that.  Is there anyone that you know that has never done drugs?  Or never been drunk for that matter.  I think we hold politicains to this unattainable standard sometimes, and the fact that Obama has never tried to hide this aspect of his life gives me a lot of respect for him.  One point for Obama, and another point against Clinton.

December 13, 2007 Posted by | News, Politics | , , , , | Leave a comment

Oprah and Obama

Some of you may have heard that TV super star Oprah Winfrey has offically endorsed Barak Obama for president, and now she will actually be hitting the campaign trail with him.  It what capacity I’m not really sure, but it can’t hurt that an event in a venue of 18,000 people sold out in two minuets and has been moved to a stadium that seats 80,000.  So with this kind of celebrity endorsemnt does Hillary really have as good of a chance as everyone seemed to think she did like a week ago. 

Poll swould indicate that she may not.  Not that polls are always the best indication of who is actually going to win, but it isn’t looking as good for Clinton as it did as early as last week.  I have my fingers crossed because everything that Clinton says indicates to me that with her as president, not much will change.  It sounds like she would be a vote for the status quo.

I also attribute Mike Huckabee’s leap in the polls to a celebrity endorsement:  Chuck Norris.  Fuck shit up Huckabee, fuck shit up!

December 7, 2007 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , | 4 Comments