Weak Sauce About Nothing

Salsa débil sobre nada!

That is some Bullshit.

Congrats to Hilary on the win in New Hampshire.  And with her “superdelegate” contingent, she does still have a decent lead on Obama, but what a lot of people are missing in this whole thing is that Obama is still a winner in New Hampshire.  “Why?” you ask.  Well, I’m glad you did ask.

In the New Hampshire primary Clinton may have won pure numbers, but where it counts, in the number of delegates received from the state.  They tied.  So while the media is pissing itself over Clinton’s “comback,” it isn’t a decisive victory, and it isn’t a huge blip on her radar either.  Sure she in 9 delegates closer to the magic number, but so is Obama, and with a huge ammount of the superdelegates still undecided.  It is a close race.

For Clinton to really have staged a “comeback” she would have had to OWN Obama, and she didn’t, she tied up with him.  I feel better now that I have said that.  So I say keep watching for the Elbow Drop!

January 9, 2008 Posted by | Politics | , , , , , , | 2 Comments

An old Myspace blog of mine.

    It was a dark and stormy afternoon and I had just woke up from my daily nap. Lunch had worked its way from my stomach down through the intestines and had reached its ne’er final destination needless to say it was time to drop the Cosby kids of at the pool. So I roll out of bed and although i did not know it yet my epic Wal-mart adventure was about to begin. WTF The toilet was clogged and I was not pleased, then I looked over at the sink and realized that it had been cloggd for about 7 days now and instantly I became very  unhappy with my current bathroom situation. Something needs to be done here. so i grab 12 dollars dont know why 12 just thats what i grabed. and i walked out the door. on my way to walmart oh yeah i grabed 12 dollars because if u take money to walmart u buy useless crap like pez and movies from the 80’s but i digress. oh and i actually grabed 7 dollars not 12 cause the 5 looked like a 10 so yeah that was to suck so anyways i get there u know and i grab a cart and i start walking around and guess what u feellike an asshole when u go to by heavy drain unclogger and a plunnger at the same time so i was like i gota gets some mints or somthing u know just cause. well anyways it being walmart i have no clue were the crap i need i located so i am getting pissed cause i still have to poo and if u know me i dont poo in public cause its gross so i ask someone u know like were is the plungers and clog remover u know like im a fag please help me type of deal. and the guy doesnt know so we go get this lady and she know’s so i now have 2 walmart peeps walking me around to get stuff to unclog my bathroom very embarrissing u know and u look at all the stuff that as u pass by and it then i see extention cord and i need one of those so im like rad ill come back for u but i only have 7 dollars remember that. o they take me to the place right and the 2 things are right next 2 eachother odd i think this must happen to many people and there i see it the last plunger i will ever need this thing is black and i swear it must have like lasers and stuff on it u just know that no matter who or what poos in your toilet this thing can handle it. and its only like 4 bucks right so i am pleased rarly do u feel like u bought a cadillac for like 4 dollars but this thing is the cady of plungers right. and then i look at the drano its like 8 bucks and im like damn wtf so i look for cheap stuff and its like 6 bucks and im like it prolly wont work but then my roomate can come back and buy the good stuff u know and this way i can get mints to so i dont look like a jackoff so i get the product and then im like oh yeah extention cord and u know i cant afford it but i want to see how much so i get there and they are like 897 dollars a foot and im likesweet damn thats alot to extend my cordage and i am unhappy so i walk up grab mints and head to the counter not in a good mood and i like u know am not going to a girl so i look for thedude and i find him and  then i relize i have a cart and 3 things 3 things is not a substantle enough amount of product for a cart so im like whatev u know he looks cool he will understand and sure enough i pull up to the guy and he gives me a look like its ok man i undrstand what your going through and dont worry about the extenton cords were walmart we will have a sell in like a week and i was thank stay beautiful stranger. i will miss u and he checks my stuff 11 dollars and 87 cents an im like i am a god and i open up my wallet and god was like i would have brought 12 dollars u brought 7 and i was like ownedddddddddd. so i had to have the guy u know un check the drano and he was still cool about it and im glad cause i would have hit someone for sure so i walk out u know holding my bag of plunger and mints an the lady makes me show proff of purchase so of course i cant find the reciet and she walks me back to the casheir holding the plunger in one hand and the mints in the other and i am following behind feeling owned and like really really owned u know like i didnt even clog the toilet. but the dude says im cool and i bounce and all and all i rate this day mildly unfortunite with room for improvment, and thats cause Lyndsey wants me to speeak more possitvly i really rank this day with curse words and screamng but i am being positive so yeah that was my trip it sucked and now i gota poo. and the plunger worked like instantly like the clog bowed to its will on the first little plung just thought u might want to know so yeah bye bye for now my friends untill i blog again

December 5, 2007 Posted by | Weak Sauce About Nothing | , , , , , | 2 Comments