Weak Sauce About Nothing

Salsa débil sobre nada!

You have to love the nanny state.

Weapons of Mass (Steak) DestructionSo seriously a 10 year old girl was arrested and faces a felony for bringing a steak knife to school for lunch.  I mean seriously the school officals even said that she didn’t brandish it or threatean anyone with it.  And yet they still felt the need to call the cops, and since they couldn’t get a hold of her parents, the police took her to jail.  And even though they talked a lot about how they treated her nicely, and didn’t treat her like a criminal, she is still suspended from school for ten days and facing a felony weapons charge.

What the hell!  Is common sense really dead in this nation.  She had a steak, and a steak knife, seems kind of like a no brainer to me.  But nope, it is weapon, because all ten year old girls weaponize silverware.  A ten year old boy, I can see a problem there, maybe.  Just fucking dumb.  If my daughter ever gets arrested for something like this, I’m going to flip the hell out.

December 18, 2007 Posted by | News | , , , , , , | 2 Comments