Weak Sauce About Nothing

Salsa débil sobre nada!


I was listening to Filmspotting, and they were giving out ther best supporting actor “awards.”  And Kurt Russell in Deathproof came up.  I’m going to have to back them up on that one.  If you haven’t seen it, Deathproof is about a guy by the name of Stunt Man Mike, that stalks pretty girls and kills them with his car.  He meets his match with a couple of stunt driving ladies who are hell bent on kicking his ass for fucking with them.

This is what makes the movie awesome, especially when it comes to Russell.  Stunt Man Mike comes off as this total stalkerStuntman Mike badass tough guy, with scars and a mean ass car, no table manners, the works.  But once the women catch up with him, they take him out and he starts whining and crying and making a general scene.  It is awesome to see this guy who has, as a rule, played bad mother fuckers (like Snake Pilskin) be willing to take the fall and literally let himself be emasculated to make the role work.  It is a brilliant turn, and it makes me want to watch the movie all over again.

“The only problem, is that to get the benefits, you really have to be sitting in my seat.”

December 13, 2007 - Posted by | Movies | , , , ,

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